Friday, August 2, 2024

Dataguard Switchover Best Practices using DGMGRL (Dataguard Broker Command Prompt)

 Dataguard Switchover Best Practices using DGMGRL (Dataguard Broker Command Prompt)

                            Alireza Kamrani



This Document offers Step by Step method to perform Switchover using Dataguard Broker command prompt DGMGRL.

For the purposes of this document, the following fictitious environment is used as an example to describe the procedure:

In this document, I have tested this scenario using Oracle 12c, but these steps can be used in higher versions as well.

Dg configuration : 12c
Primary db_unique_name : orcl
Standby db_unique_name : pop



SWITCHOVER Considerations:

1- DG Broker will not downgrade the PROTECTION mode during the process of Switchover.   

2- Configure suitable REDO transport mode on current standby that becomes Primary after switchover.

3- Configure SRL (Standby Redo Logs) and local archiving destination  on current Primary.

Broker switchover command verifies the availability of SRL on current Primary Database and suitable Redo transport method on current Standby.

DB Restart Considerations:

1- If the switchover target is Physical Standby then Broker shutdown the Primary as a process of switchover.

2- If the switchover environment in MAX_PROTECTION mode and primary has only one Standby then broker shuts down both primary and standby as a process of switchover. If primary has multiple standby then broker shuts down only the new Primary.

I. Pre-Switchover Checks

Verify Dataguard Broker Configuration

Use following command s to verify broker status before switchover.

DGMGRL>show configuration;

DGMGRL>show database <primary>;

DGMGRL>show database <standby>;

DGMGRL>show database verbose <primary>;

DGMGRL>show database verbose <standby>;


DGMGRL> show configuration;

Configuration - 12c

  Protection Mode: MaxPerformance


  orcl  - Primary database

  pop - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED

Configuration Status:


DGMGRL> show database orcl;

Database - orcl

  Role:              PRIMARY

  Intended State:    TRANSPORT-ON

  Instance(s):       orcl

Database Status:


DGMGRL> show database pop

Database - pop

  Role:              PHYSICAL STANDBY

  Intended State:    APPLY-ON

  Transport Lag:     0 seconds (computed 1 second ago)

Apply Lag: 0 seconds (computed 1 second ago)

  Apply Rate:        0 Byte/s

  Real Time Query:   ON

  Instance(s):       pop

Database Status:


NOTE : Further troubleshoot use:

DGMRL>show database ‘<>’ logxptstatus;

DGMGRL>show database   ‘<>‘ inconsistentlogxptprops’;

Validate Database

Validate database verify following, no need to explicitly check whether ORLs/SRLS cleared.

•Whether there is missing redo data on a standby database

  • Whether flashback is enabled
  • The number of temporary tablespace files configured
  • Whether an online data file move is in progress
  • Whether online redo logs are cleared for a physical standby database
  • Whether standby redo logs are cleared for a primary database
  • The online log file configuration
  • The standby log file configuration
  • Apply-related property settings
  • Transport-related property settings


DGMGRL> validate database orcl

Database Role:  Primary database

Ready for Switchover: Yes <--Ready*** 

  Flashback Database Status:

    orcl:  Off

DGMGRL> validate database pop

Database Role:Physical standbydatabase

  Primary Database:  orcl

  Ready for Switchover: Yes<--This confirms Switchover readiness***

Ready for Failover:Yes (Primary Running)

  Flashback Database Status:

    orcl:   Off

    pop:    Off

  Future Log File Groups Configuration:

Thread #                                       

Online Redo Log Groups   

Standby Redo Log Groups

                                     (pop)     (orcl)

 1     4         4


NOTE : For further troubleshoot use validate database verbose.

DGMGRL>validate database verbose orcl

DGMGRL>validate database verbose pop

Preset Redo Transport related parameter

Verify below parameters are set based on PROTECTION MODE.

LogXptMode, NetTimeout, StandbyArchiveLocation, AlternateLocation, and RedoRoutes.



Disable Apply Delay

To increase the speed of switchover disable delaymins property.

DGMGRL>edit database pop set property delaymins=0;

Turn on Data Guard tracing on primary and standby

DGMGRL> edit configuration set property tracelevel=support;

DGMGRL> edit database orcl set property LogArchiveTrace=8191;

DGMGRL> edit database pop set property LogArchiveTrace=8191;

for RAC instance,




Tail Alert Logs and DRC (optional) on all instances

Tail alert log and DRC<SID> log which is present in same location of alert log(text) from all the nodes of primary and standby.

tail –f <alert log of primary>

tail –f <alert log of standby>

tail –f <drc<SID> log of primary>

tail –f <drc<SID> log of standby>


Perform Switchover

Connect to sysdg

DGMGRL> connect sysdg


Connected as SYSDG.

DGMGRL> switchover to pop

Performing switchover NOW, please wait...

Operation requires a connection to instance "pop" on database "pop"

Connecting to instance "pop"...

Connected as SYSDBA.

New primary database "pop" is opening...

Operation requires startup of instance "orcl" on database "orcl"

Starting instance "orcl"...

ORACLE instance started.

Database mounted.

Database opened.

Switchover succeeded, new primary is "pop"


--Primary Alert log- alert_orcl.log--


Starting switchover [Process ID: 10402]


Switchover End-Of-Redo Log thread 1 sequence 131 has been fixed

Switchover: Primary highest seen SCN set to 0x0.0x310a3a

ARCH: Noswitch archival of thread 1, sequence 131

ARCH: End-Of-Redo Branch archival of thread 1 sequence 131

ARCH: Evaluating archive   log 1 thread 1 sequence 131

Switchover complete. Database shutdown required


 --Standby Alert log -alert_pop.log--

SWITCHOVER: received request 'ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER  TO PRIMARY' from primary database.


Standby became primary SCN: 3213880  <----Record this SCN ***

Switchover: Complete - Database mounted as primary

SWITCHOVER: completed request from primary database.

--Primary Drc log -"/<path>/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/drcorcl.log"-- 


Broker Configuration:       "12c"

Protection Mode:   Maximum Performance

Fast-Start Failover (FSFO): Disabled, flags=0x0, version=0

 Primary Database:   pop (0x02010000)  <--pop as Primary***

--Standby DRC log - "/<path>/diag/rdbms/orcl/pop/trace/drcpop.log"--

Notifying Oracle Clusterware to prepare target standby database for switchover

Notifying DMON of db close

Notifying RSM0 of db close

Deferring associated archivelog destinations of sites permanently disabled due to Switchover

Notifying Oracle Clusterware to buildup primary database after switchover


III. Post - Switchover Check

Reset Delaymins property

Change the delaymins property to prior on new standby after switchover based on business requirement.


DGMGRL> edit database <new standby>  set property delaymins=<old MRP delay value>;


Set Trace to Prior Value

DGMGRL> edit configuration reset property tracelevel ;

DGMGRL> edit database orcl reset property logarchivetrace;

DGMGRL> edit database pop reset property logarchivetrace;

Verify Broker Configuration

DGMGRL> show configuration;

Configuration - 12c

  Protection Mode: MaxPerformance


  pop - Primary database

  orcl  - Physical standby database <-----orcl is Physical Standby

Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED

Configuration Status:


Database Box


Alireza Kamrani.

Database Technical Consultant.

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