Saturday, October 12, 2024

Oracle database Archiving techniques and best practices to handling large data

 ðŸ’¢Oracle database Archiving techniques and best practices to handling large data💢

Alireza Kamrani 


Your database is expanding rapidly, how will you manage performance issues effectively using compression, ILM policy, data archiving, partitioning, so on.

Managing database performance during rapid expansion can indeed be challenging, but there are several strategies that can help ensure efficiency and scalability:

1. Compression: Compressing data can significantly reduce storage and SGA requirements and improve I/O performance. This can be particularly useful for large databases where storage costs and performance are critical.

2. Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Policy: Implementing ILM policies helps manage data throughout its lifecycle, from creation to deletion. By automating data retention and archiving, you can ensure that only relevant data is kept in high-performance storage, while older data is archived. This feature is a common solution for archiving data , save older data into cheaper disk using modifications or access time.

3. Data Archiving: Archiving infrequently accessed data can free up valuable resources and improve performance. Archived data can be stored in less expensive, slower storage, while keeping the active database lean and fast.

4. Partitioning: Partitioning divides a large database into smaller, more manageable pieces. This can improve query performance and make maintenance tasks more efficient. Partitioning can be done based on various criteria, such as range, list, or hash. Also exchange partitions can useful to archiving data. 

5. Indexing: Proper indexing can drastically improve query performance by allowing the database to quickly locate the required data. Regularly reviewing and optimizing indexes is essential for maintaining performance.

6. Query Optimization: Analyzing and optimizing SQL queries can reduce the load on the database and improve response times. This includes rewriting queries, using joins efficiently, and avoiding unnecessary computations.

7. Regular Maintenance: Regular database maintenance, such as updating statistics, rebuilding indexes, and cleaning up unused space, can help maintain optimal performance.

8. Scaling Strategies: Implementing horizontal or vertical scaling strategies can help manage increased loads. Horizontal scaling involves adding more servers, while vertical scaling involves upgrading existing hardware.

9.Using In-Database Archiving: In-Database Archiving enables you to archive rows within a table by marking them as inactive.

These inactive rows are in the database and can be optimized using compression, but are not visible to an application. The data in these rows is available for compliance purposes if needed by setting a session parameter.

With In-Database Archiving you can store more data for a longer period of time within a single database, without compromising application performance. Archived data can be compressed to help improve backup performance, and updates to archived data can be deferred during application upgrades to improve the performance of upgrades.

To manage In-Database Archiving for a table, you must enable ROW ARCHIVAL for the table and manipulate the ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE hidden column of the table. Optionally, you specify either ACTIVE or ALL for the ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY session parameter.

10.Using Oracle Golden Gate: we can use goldengate replication to have source database as a small/lite DB contains the live data and create a second (target) database to saving all data from specific period of time.

By combining these strategies, you can effectively manage performance issues and ensure your database remains efficient and scalable as it grows. 


Alireza Kamrani 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Understanding Network Usage of Data Guard and best practice to Tuning Standby databases

 ðŸ…¾️Understanding Network Usage of Data Guard and best practice to Tuning Standby databases 


Alireza Kamrani 

In this post I will explain how to check network usage of data guard and how to tune using preferred tools.

Assessing and Tuning Network Performance for Data Guard and RMAN

The phases of the Data Guard life cycle which use the network most heavily are:

  • Instantiation - During this phase of standby database creation, files can be copied using parallelism from any host. Determining the degree of parallelism which maximizes throughput between nodes helps to optimize the standby instantiation process.
  • Redo Transport (Steady State)- Under normal Data Guard operation the primary database ships redo to the standby which is then applied. Each RAC instance of a primary database ships redo in a single stream from the host on which it is running. Understanding the requirements of each primary database instance and ensuring a single process can achieve the throughput requirements is critical to a standby database staying current with the primary database.

Understanding Targets and Goals for Instantiation

Instantiation for large databases can take hours, or in extreme cases days. To allow for planning of an instantiation and also maximize throughput between the primary and standby system to complete the instantiation is as timely a manner as possible, first determine the goal for instantiation time. Then follow the process defined below to maximize per process throughput and identify the optimal degree of parallelism between the primary and standby nodes.

Understanding Throughput Requirements and Average Redo Write Size for Redo Transport

Required network bandwidth of a given Data Guard configuration is determined by the redo generate rate of the primary database. 

Note:In cases where the primary database is pre-existing, a baseline for the required network bandwidth can be established. If there is no existing primary database, skip this step and future references to the data further in the process.

While the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) tool can be used to determine the redo generation rate, the snapshots are often 30 or 60 minutes apart which can dilute the peak rate. Since peak rates often occur for shorter periods of time, it is more accurate to use the following query which calculates the redo generation rate for each log when run on an existing database. (change the timestamps as appropriate)







 AND TO_DATE('2022/01/15 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')


Example output:

THREAD# SEQUENCE# MB         SEC        MB/s

------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------

      2      2291 29366.1963        831  35.338383

      1      2565 29365.6553        781 37.6000708

      2      2292 29359.3403        537  54.672887

      1      2566 29407.8296        813 36.1719921

      2      2293 29389.7012        678 43.3476418

      2      2294 29325.2217       1236 23.7259075

      1      2567 11407.3379       2658 4.29169973

      2      2295 24682.4648        477 51.7452093

      2      2296 29359.4458        954 30.7751004

      2      2297 29311.3638        586 50.0193921

      1      2568 3867.44092       5510 .701894903

Note:To find the peak redo rate, choose times during the highest level of processing, such as peak OLTP periods, End of Quarter batch processing or End of Year batch processing.

In this short example the highest rate was about 52MB/s. 

♦️Ideally the network will support the maximum rate plus 30% or 68MB/s for this application.

Verify Average Redo Write Size

Using v$sysstats or looking at your AWR reports for various workload and peak intervals, record the average redo write size based on

Average Redo Write Size = "REDO SIZE" / "REDO WRITES"

Use this average redo write size in your oratcp experiments. 

♦️If the average redo write size > 1500 bytes, experiment with various MTU settings.

Understand Current Network Throughput

The Oracle utility oratcptest is a general-purpose tool for measuring network bandwidth and latency similar to iperf/qperf which can be run by any OS user.

The oratcptest utility provides options for controlling the network load such as:

  • Network message size
  • Delay time between messages
  • Parallel streams
  • Whether or not the oratcptest server should write messages on disk.
  • Simulating Data Guard SYNC transport by waiting for acknowledgment (ACK) of a packet or ASYNC transport by not waiting for the ACK.

Note:This tool, like any Oracle network streaming transport, can simulate efficient network packet transfers from the source host to target host similar to Data Guard transport. Throughput can saturate the available network bandwidth between source and target servers. Therefore, Oracle recommends that short duration tests are performed and that consideration is given for any other critical applications sharing the same network.

Measure the Existing Throughput of One and Many Processes

Do the following tasks to measure the existing throughput.

♦️Task 1: Install oratcptest

  1. Download the oratcptest.jar file from MOS note 2064368.1
  2. Copy the JAR file onto both client (primary) and server (standby)
    Note:oratcptest requires JRE 6 or later
  3. Verify that the host has JRE 6 or later
  4. On all primary and standby hosts, verify that the JVM can run the JAR file by displaying the help
    # java -jar oratcptest.jar -help
  5. sample:   java -jar oratcptest.jar server -port=4711 -duration=60s -mode=async -sockbuf=4194305

Task 2: Determine the Existing Throughput for a Single Process

Data Guard asynchronous redo transport (ASYNC) uses a streaming protocol which does not wait for packet acknowledgment and therefore achieves higher rates than SYNC transport. 

  1. Start the test server on the receiving (standby) side.

    java -jar oratcptest.jar -server [IP of standby host or VIP in RAC configurations] -port=<any available port number>
  2. Run the test client. (Change the server address and port number to match that of your server started in step 4.)

    $ java -jar oratcptest.jar [IP of standby host or VIP in RAC configurations] -port=<port number> -mode=async -duration=120 -interval=20s                                    [Requesting a test]                              Message payload  = 1 Mbyte              Payload content type   = RANDOM        Delay between messages = NO          Number of connections  = 1                   Socket send buffer  = (system default)    Transport mode  = ASYNC                        Disk write     = NO                               Statistics interval    = 20 seconds            Test duration          = 2 minutes                  Test frequency         = NO                    Network Timeout        = NO                            (1 Mbyte = 1024x1024 bytes)           (17:54:44) The server is ready.     Throughput                                       (17:55:04)     20.919 Mbytes/s          (17:55:24)     12.883 Mbytes/s          (17:55:44)     10.457 Mbytes/s                               (17:56:04)     10.408 Mbytes/s         (17:56:24)     12.423 Mbytes/s          (17:56:44)     13.701 Mbytes/s(17:56:44) Test finished.                                            Socket send buffer = 2 MbytesAvg. throughput = 13.466 Mbytes/s

In this example the average throughput between these two nodes was about 13 MB/s which does not meet the requirements of 68 MB/s from the query.

Note:This process can be scheduled to run at a given frequency using the -freq option to determine if the bandwidth varies at different times of the day. For instance setting -freq=1h/24h will repeat the test every hour for 24 hours.

Task 3: Determine Existing Throughput for Multiple Processes

  1. Repeat the previous test with two (2) connections (using num_conn parameter). 

    $ java -jar oratcptest.jar <target IP address> -port=<port number> -duration=60s -interval=10s -mode=async [-output=<results file>] -num_conn=2 [Requesting a test] Message payload = 1 Mbyte Payload content type   = RANDOM Delay between messages = NO Number of connections  = 2 Socket send buffer     = (system default) Transport mode         = ASYNC Disk write = NO Statistics interval    = 20 seconds Test duration = 2 minutes Test frequency = NO Network Timeout = NO (1 Mbyte = 1024x1024 bytes) (18:08:02) The server is ready.                        Throughput (18:08:22)     44.894 Mbytes/s (18:08:42)     23.949 Mbytes/s (18:09:02)     25.206 Mbytes/s (18:09:22)     23.051 Mbytes/s (18:09:42)     24.978 Mbytes/s (18:10:02)     22.647 Mbytes/s (18:10:02) Test finished. Avg. socket send buffer = 2097152 Avg. aggregate throughput = 27.454 Mbytes/s
  2. Re-run step 1 Iteratively and increase the value of num_conn by two each time until the aggregate throughput does not increase for three consecutive values. For example if the aggregate throughput is approximately the same for 10, 12 and 14 connections, stop.
    Note:RMAN can utilize all nodes in the cluster for instantiation. To find the total aggregate throughput, see My Oracle Support Creating a Physical Standby database using RMAN restore database from service (Doc ID 2283978.1).
  3. Run the same test with all nodes in all clusters to find the current total aggregate throughput. Node 1 of primary to node 1 of standby, node 2 to node 2, etc. Sum the throughput found for all nodes.
  4. Reverse the roles and repeat the tests.
  5. Note the number of connections which achieved the best aggregate throughput.

Use the total size of the database and total aggregate throughput to estimate the amount of time it will take to complete the copy of the database. A full instantiation also needs to apply the redo generated during the copy. Some additional percentage (0%-50%) should be added to this estimated time based on how active the database is.

If the estimated time meets the goal, no additional tuning is required for instantiation.

Optimizing Redo Transport with One and Many Processes

If throughput from the prior single and multiple process tests meet the targets, no additional tuning is required. 

If higher throughput is required, setting the maximum TCP socket buffers size to a larger value is the primary method to potentially increase throughput.

Setting TCP Socket Buffer Size

The TCP socket buffers are system memory buffers which temporarily store incoming and outgoing data. Outgoing data is stored on the write buffers while incoming data is stored on the read buffers. Read and write socket buffers are allocated separately. When a buffer, generally the read buffer, fills up (often do to the application not pulling data out of the buffer fast enough), a message is sent to the sender to slow down or stop sending data. Allocating a larger buffer often improves redo transport by giving the application time to pull data off the wire without stopping the sender.

Tuning TCP socket buffer size is the primary approach to improving ASYNC transport and can improve SYNC transport as well in some cases.

Note:With larger socket buffer sizes, TCP selective acknowledgment (SACK) is strongly recommended. Often times this is enabled by default but refer to your operating system documentation for details on confirming or enabling TCP selective acknowledgment.

To set TCP Socket Buffer Size do the following tasks.

Task 1: Determine Optimal Maximum Socket Buffer Size

Find the optimal maximum socket buffer size for a single process on the target network link by running a series of tests.

Note:Bandwidth Delay Product is the product of the network link capacity of a channel and the round time, or latency. The minimum recommended value for socket buffer sizes is 3*BDP, especially for a high-latency, high-bandwidth network. Use oratcptest to tune the socket buffer sizes.

Task 2: Set Maximum Socket Buffer Size Temporarily

On the primary and standby systems follow these steps to set the maximum socket buffer size for requests. This will be done in memory and will not persist if the server is restarted for any reason.

Do the following steps as root.

  1. First find the current size of the kernel parameters net.ipv4.tcp_rmem and net.ipv4.tcp_wmem. The values returned are the minimum, default and maximum size for socket buffers which TCP dynamically allocates. If a process requires more than the default given when a socket is created, more buffers will be dynamically allocated up to the maximum value.

    # cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem         4096    87380   6291456
  2. # cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem         4096    16384   4194304
  3. Change the values to 16MB or whatever 3*BDP was calculated to be

    # sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem='4096 87380 16777216';                                            # sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem='4096 16384 16777216';

Note:Increasing these values can increase system memory usage of any network socket on the system.

Note:Changes made with sysctl are not permanent. Update the /etc/sysctl.conf file to persist these changes through machine restarts. There will be a step to change the configuration file at the end of this process once the proper setting is determined.

Task 3: Test Throughput of a Single Process

Re-run the previous tests allowing the socket buffers to dynamically grow to the new maximum set in the previous step

(as oracle)

Server (standby):

$ java -jar oratcptest.jar -server [IP of standby host or VIP in RAC configurations]

 -port=<port number> 

Client (primary):

$ java -jar oratcptest.jar <IP of standby host or VIP in RAC configurations>

 -port=<port number> -mode=async -duration=120s -interval=20s

Note:Do not use the oratcptest sockbuf parameter because the kernel parameters which govern explicit requests for socket buffer size are different than those set for this test.

After the test completes the results from the client and server show the value for socket buffers during that test. At the time of this writing, that value is half of the actual socket buffer size and should be doubled to find the actual size used.


[Requesting a test]

        Message payload = 1 Mbyte 

        Payload content type = RANDOM 

        Delay between messages = NO 

        Number of connections = 1 

        Socket send buffer = 2 Mbytes 

        Transport mode = ASYNC

        Disk write = NO

        Statistics interval = 20 seconds 

        Test duration = 2 minutes

        Test frequency = NO 

        Network Timeout = NO

        (1 Mbyte = 1024x1024 bytes) 

(11:39:16) The server is ready.


(11:39:36) 71.322 Mbytes/s

(11:39:56) 71.376 Mbytes/s

(11:40:16) 72.104 Mbytes/s

(11:40:36) 79.332 Mbytes/s

(11:40:56) 76.426 Mbytes/s

(11:41:16) 68.713 Mbytes/s

(11:41:16) Test finished.

Socket send buffer = 8388608  

Avg. throughput = 73.209 Mbytes/s


The test terminated. The socket receive buffer was 8 Mbytes.

Note:oratcptest is reporting half of the buffers allocated to the socket. Double the number reported for the actual socket buffer size used during the test.

Task 4: Test Throughput of Multiple Processes

Now repeat the test using the num_conn value determined in the first tests. for example,. if the peak aggregate throughput was reached with 10 processes set num_conn=10.


$ java -jar oratcptest.jar <IP of standby host or VIP in RAC configurations>

 -port=<port number> -mode=async -duration=120s -interval=20s -num_conn=10

[Requesting a test]

        Message payload        = 1 Mbyte

        Payload content type   = RANDOM

        Delay between messages = NO

        Number of connections  = 10

        Socket send buffer     = (system default)

        Transport mode         = ASYNC

        Disk write             = NO

        Statistics interval    = 20 seconds

        Test duration          = 2 minutes

        Test frequency         = NO

        Network Timeout        = NO

        (1 Mbyte = 1024x1024 bytes)

(19:01:38) The server is ready.


(19:01:58)    266.077 Mbytes/s

(19:02:18)    242.035 Mbytes/s

(19:02:38)    179.574 Mbytes/s

(19:02:58)    189.578 Mbytes/s

(19:03:18)    218.856 Mbytes/s

(19:03:38)    209.130 Mbytes/s

(19:03:38) Test finished.

Avg. socket send buffer = 8 Mbytes                 Avg. aggregate throughput = 217.537 Mbytes/s

Note:oratcptest is reporting half of the buffers allocated to the socket. Double the number reported for the actual socket buffer size used during the test.

Server (Each connection will have the receive buffer printed. Double the socket buffer size in each instance)

The test terminated. The socket receive buffer was 8 Mbytes. 

Use the total size of the database and total aggregate throughput to estimate the amount of time it will take to complete the copy of the database. 

A full instantiation also needs to apply the redo generated during the copy. Some additional percentage (0%-50%) should be added to this estimated time based on how active the database is.

Task 5: Repeat the Tests

Repeat the previous two tests with higher values for tcp_rmem and tcp_wmem if more throughput is needed. 

Understand that these higher values are available for other sockets as well but will be dynamically allocated only if needed. 

The table shows sample data tracking the different throughput results for different socket buffer sizes.

tcp_rmem maximum

tcp_wmem maximum

Single Process Throughput

Single Node Multi-Process Maximum Aggregate Throughput

Single Node Multi-Process Parallelism



13.5 MB/s

203 MB/s




48 MB/s

523 MB/s




73 MB/s

700 MB/s




132 MB/s

823 MB/s


Task 6: Set Parameters Permanently

Changes using sysctl modify the values in memory which do not persist through a reboot of the host. Once the optimal size for socket buffers is determined, set the kernel parameters so they persist through server restarts by editing the /etc/sysctl.conf file.

This must be done on all nodes of the primary and standby systems.

To make these changes persistent, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf either modifying the existing values or adding these values to the file if they are absent.

net.ipv4.tcp_rmem='4096 87380 16777216'

net.ipv4.tcp_wmem='4096 16384 16777216'

Task 7: Evaluate Larger MTU 

Determine the network interfaces that are used by the Data Guard transport. 

If Average Redo Write Size > current MTU setting (for example, typically the default 1500), evaluate if jumbo frames (for example, MTU=9000) can reduce the network RTT for these large network packets and improve overall redo throughput. 

Shown here is an example of changing the MTU for Data Guard transport network interface for testing purposes on Linux. 

ifconfig bondeth0 mtu 9000 up

Repeat the same oratcp performance methodology as described above with the higher MTU size to see if greater throughput is achieved.

If performance gains are noticed, work with system and network engineers to change MTU size for DG transport for both primary and standby databases.

Using This Data

The throughput numbers can be used to determine throughput to aid in Redo Transport and Instantiation situations. 

Redo Transport

If the single process throughput does not exceed the single instance redo generation rate for a primary database, the standby will not stay current with the primary during these times. Further evaluation and network tuning by the network engineering team may be required in these cases.


Once the maximum aggregate throughput of all nodes is understood, a rough estimate for instantiation can be developed. As an example, if there is a 100 TB database on a 2-node RAC to be instantiated and each node can achieve 300 MB/s it should take about 50 hours to copy the data files. Additional work to instantiate will add some percentage to that number (~30%).

300 MB/s * 60 seconds/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 2 nodes = ~2 TB/hr aggregate for both nodes

100TB / 2TB/hr = ~50 hours

The steps to instantiate a database using large database optimizations such as using multiple nodes is described in Creating a Physical Standby database using RMAN restore database from service (Doc ID 2283978.1).

Determining Oracle Data Guard Protection Mode

Oracle Data Guard can run in three different protection modes, which cater to different performance, availability, and data loss requirements. Use this guide to determine which protection mode fits your business requirements and your potential environmental constraints.

Maximum Protection mode guarantees that no data loss will occur if the primary database fails, even in the case of multiple failures (for example, the network between the primary and standby fails, and then at a later time, the primary fails). This policy is enforced by never signaling commit success for a primary database transaction until at least one synchronous Data Guard standby has acknowledged that redo has been hardened to disk. Without such an acknowledgment the primary database will stall and eventually shut down rather than allow unprotected transactions to commit. 

To maintain availability in cases where the primary database is operational but the standby database is not, the best practice is to always have a minimum of two synchronous standby databases in a Maximum Protection configuration. Primary database availability is not impacted if it receives acknowledgment from at least one synchronous standby database. 

Choose this protection mode if zero data loss is more important than database availability. Workload impact analysis is recommended to measure whether any overhead is acceptable when enabling SYNC transport.

Maximum Availability mode guarantees that no data loss will occur in cases where the primary database experiences the first failure to impact the configuration. Unlike the Maximum Protection mode, Maximum Availability will wait a maximum of NET_TIMEOUT seconds for an acknowledgment from any of the standby databases, after which it will signal commit success to the application and move to the next transaction. Primary database availability (thus the name of the mode) is not impacted by an inability to communicate with the standby (for example, due to standby or network outages). Data Guard will continue to ping the standby and automatically re-establish connection and resynchronize the standby database when possible, but during the period when primary and standby have diverged there will be data loss should a second failure impact the primary database.

For this reason, it is a best practice to monitor protection level, which is simplest using Enterprise Manager Grid Control, and quickly resolve any disruption in communication between the primary and standby before a second failure can occur. This is the most common zero data loss database protection mode. 

Choose this protection mode if zero data loss is very important but you want the primary database to continue to be available even with the unlikely case that all standby databases are not reachable. You can complement this solution by integrating multiple standby databases or using Far Sync instances to implement a zero data loss standby solution across a WAN. Workload impact analysis is recommended to measure whether any overhead is acceptable when enabling SYNC transport. 

Maximum Performance mode is the default Data Guard mode, and it provides the highest level of data protection that is possible without affecting the performance or the availability of the primary database. This is accomplished by allowing a transaction to commit as soon as the redo data needed to recover that transaction is written to the local online redo log at the primary database (the same behavior as if there were no standby database). Data Guard transmits redo concurrently to 1) the standby database directly from the primary log buffer and 2) to the local online redo log write asynchronously enabling a very low potential data loss if the primary site is lost. There is never any wait for standby acknowledgment but the potential data loss for this data protection mode can still be near zero.. 

Similar to Maximum Availability mode, it is a best practice to monitor the protection level using Enterprise Manager Grid Control, and quickly resolve any disruption in communication between primary and standby before a second failure can occur. 

Choose this mode if minimum data loss is acceptable and zero performance impact on the primary is required.

Offloading Queries to a Read-Only Standby Database

Offloading queries and reporting workloads to read-only standby databases can free up your primary database system resources, giving you the ability to add more users, workloads, or even databases.

When you leverage both primary and standby database resources, your business and your applications benefit with higher total system usage, and potentially higher application throughput.

Offload appropriate workloads by following these steps.

  1. Identify which application modules are read-only or read-mostly.
    • Evaluate whether you have application services or modules that are read-only.
    • Small and short read-only queries are good candidates to offload to the standby database. 
    • Short DMLs, especially those that are response-time sensitive, should not be offloaded to the standby.
    • Large reports or analytic reports are good candidates to offload.
    • Reports that are primarily reads, and that may have an infrequent DML, typically at the start or end of a report, may be good candidates to offload.
      To enable DML Redirection, see ADG_REDIRECT_DML.
  2. Gather information about the expected application performance, throughput, response time, or elapsed time service levels for each offload candidate.
    • Once you have determined which queries and reports are good candidates to offload, find out the required expected and maximum response time or elapsed time for each of them. For example some large analytic reports must complete within a 2 hour time span.
    • For short queries, determine the expected response time and throughput expectations.
    • These requirements are sometimes referred to as application performance Service Level Agreements, which you need for the next step.
  3. Test the performance of each candidate on the standby, and determine whether it meets your requirements.
    • Even though the primary and standby databases have essentially identical data, they are independent databases, independent machines, independent configurations, and have different workloads. For example, an Active Data Guard read-only standby database has a redo apply workload plus the queries that are offloaded, while the primary database may have OLTP, batch, and query workloads.
    • Reported elapsed times, query response time, and workload performance may vary between the primary and standby due to these system, configuration, and workload differences.
    • Tuning requires that you understand system resources, SQL plans, and individual query CPU and wait profile. The tuning recommendations are applicable for both primary and standby databases. See Diagnosing and Tuning Database Performance .
  4. Offload a subset of the queries that meet your performance requirements, freeing up resources on the primary database for additional processing capacity.
    • Once you have determined which queries and reports can be offloaded, and the performance of those activities are acceptable, then slowly offload some of the workload and monitor it.
    • Do not oversubscribe and offload too much workload to the standby such that redo apply cannot keep pace after tuning. If the standby falls behind. then you lose that standby as a viable role transition target, and in most cases a standby that lags cannot be used to offload queries.

What if a specific query does not meet your requirements?

  1. Consult with a performance engineer and follow the recommendations in Database Performance Tuning Guide.
  2. A particular query response time or throughput or report elapsed time is not guaranteed to be the same on the standby system as it was on the primary. Analyze the system resources, SQL plans, overall CPU work time and wait times. 
    For example, you may see standby query scn advance wait is contributing to a much longer elapsed time in one of your short queries. This wait increase is attributed to Active Data Guard redo apply. If a query sees a certain row in a data block and needs to roll it back because the transaction has not committed as of the query System Commit Number (SCN), it needs to apply corresponding undo to get a consistent read for that query. If the redo for the corresponding undo change has not been applied by redo apply yet, the query needs to wait. The presence of such wait is itself not an issue, and typically may be a couple of milliseconds, but it will vary by workload and may be higher in Real Application Cluster database systems.
Written by Alireza Kamrani 

Oracle database Archiving techniques and best practices to handling large data

  💢Oracle database Archiving techniques and best practices to handling large data💢 Alireza Kamrani  13/10/2024